
When it comes to data security, even seemingly minor vulnerabilities can pose significant threats. One such vulnerability is the missing HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) header. This is a vulnerability that pops up in external penetration testing and it doesn’t seem to get much attention. While it might sound technical, understanding HSTS - and more importantly, its absence - is crucial for ensuring the secure communication between websites and users.

What Is HSTS?

HSTS stands for HTTP Strict Transport Security and it is a web security policy implemented through a response header sent by a server to a user's browser. This header instructs the browser to always use HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) when connecting to the website, even if the user types in the HTTP version in the address bar.

A Few Reasons the HSTS Header Is Important

Without HSTS, attackers can potentially intercept communication between a user and a website. By manipulating the connection, they could steal sensitive information like login credentials or credit card details. This is commonly known as a “Man-In-The-Middle” attack. Configuring HSTS ensures communication always occurs over the encrypted HTTPS protocol, mitigating this risk. Additionally, users might accidentally type "HTTP" instead of "HTTPS"in the address bar. This is very easy to do! HSTS safeguards against such human errors by automatically redirecting the user to the secure HTTPS version. Finally, HSTS improves user trust in websites by prioritizing secure connections. When users see the padlock symbol and "HTTPS" in the address bar, they feel more confident entering sensitive information.

The Impact of a Missing HSTS Header

When a website lacks the HSTS header, it exposes users to potential security risks. As mentioned earlier, the absence of HSTS increases the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks, allowing malicious actors to potentially intercept communication and steal data. This can have severe consequences for both users and website owners. Missing HSTS headers also weaken security measures. Even if a website redirects users to HTTPS, it doesn't guarantee a secure connection throughout the entire session. Without HSTS, attackers could potentially downgrade the connection back to insecure HTTP at some point. There are also SEO Implications. Search engines like Google prioritize websites that demonstrate strong security practices. The lack of HSTS might negatively impact a website's search ranking.

Remediating the Missing HSTS Header

Fortunately, identifying and fixing the missing HSTS header is a relatively straightforward process. Here's what website owners and administrators can do:

Regularly conduct security scans to identify vulnerabilities like missing HSTS headers. Many website hosting providers offer built-in security scanning tools. Alternatively, free online tools can be used.

Utilize browser developer tools. Most web browsers come with built-in developer tools that allow you to inspect website headers. Accessing these tools and navigating to the "Network" tab will reveal the response headers sent by the server. Look for the presence of a header named "Strict-Transport-Security."

In terms of enabling HSTS, the specific steps will vary depending on the server software used by the website. However, most popular server platforms provide configuration options to add the HSTS header. Resources and documentation are usually available from the server software provider.

Additional Considerations

A website can be included in the HSTS preload list maintained by major browsers. This list pre-configures browsers to always use HTTPS for those websites, offering an extra layer of security. However, inclusion in the preload list requires a stricter configuration of the HSTS header and comes with a longer removal process if necessary. Also, the HSTS header can specify a maximum age, which determines how long the browser should cache the directive to use HTTPS. A longer max-age offers better protection but can also make it more challenging to revert to HTTP if needed.


The HTTP Strict Transport Security Header Missing vulnerability is a potential security risk that website owners should address promptly. By implementing HSTS, website owners can significantly enhance the security of their websites, protect user data, and build trust with their visitors. By prioritizing secure connections, everyone in the online ecosystem benefits from a safer web browsing experience.

AJay Strong, Information Security Analyst

AJay started his cyber security career through the Fullstack Academy Cyber Security Bootcamp at Louisiana State University. In the summer of 2021, he began teaching cyber security fundamentals and continues to teach part-time. At TraceSecurity, AJay works on our IT audits, risk assessments, penetration testing, and Qualys vulnerability assessments. He holds certifications such as LPI Linux Essentials, A+, Network+, Security+, and SSCP and is currently working toward a Bachelor of Science in Cyber Security and Information Assurance at Western Governors University.